With DAS music servers and streamers (HD-Players) you will experience music like never before.
You will be able to ‘feel’ the material qualities of different instruments with your ears – the resinous woodiness of string instruments, the metallic glare of brass or the differences between gut and steel strings on a guitar. More than this, you will hear the space surrounding the instruments and feel the deep silence between the notes. When you close your eyes, you will really be there.
All High Fidelity is about an illusion – the illusion of being there with the artists. Only the very best equipment is capable of creating credible illusions
If you love music, only few decisions in your life will have a more lasting influence on your well-being.
(Alexej C. Ogorek, Founder)
We combine the sound quality of analogue highend with the convenience of digital file management
Digital Audio Systems stands for:
- The Soul of Music
- Analogue Life in the Digital Age
- Exclusivity and Quality of a Manufactory
At the Heart of Our Technology: The Soul of Music
Although digital music playback is vastly superior to analogue playback in all measurable parameters, it is often high-end analogue equipment that produces the more live-like and engaging sound reproduction. It is our ambition, to realise in the digital domain the atmosphere and vivid realism of high-end analogue equipment and to combine that with the convenience of digital music management.
Our products achieve a sound quality so natural and emotionally involving that the review magazine Stereoplay wrote in its review of our Model 2 (Sept. 2018 issue): “The end of a quest. If you have been missing the soul of the music in your digital playback systems, you need to audition DAS’ HD players.”