Breathtakingly realistic reproduction of digital music – Our flagship
The HD-Player Model 2 is a fully integrated digital playback device, encompassing music server, streamer and DAC. It requires nothing more than an amplifier and loudspeakers. The Player handles practically all digital formats available today – regardless whether from the internal hard drive or from an online streaming provider – at best-in-class sound quality. Controlling it is conveniently done via the display and keys on the front or via a mobile device, like a tablet or mobile phone.

The engineering effort is reflected in the implementation of only-the-best selected components as well as in the complex chassis construction dividing the whole unit in a number of separate compartments in order to minimize interference between the functional units or in the separate power supplies for each channel and each functional unit.
The digital/analogue converter alone utilizes 3 torodial transformers. The two dual-mono converter boards are completely galvanically isolated to maximize channel separation and signal-to-noise ratio. The selected R-2R NOS converter chips feature integrated I/V-conversion, so that no external output stage is required. Since eight chips are implemented per channel, they produce sufficient power to drive any downstream equipment, so that the signal path is kept to an absolute minimum. The D/A converter has a completely symmetrical layout.
The overall result of all this effort is a breathtakingly realistic and emotionally involving listening experience.
What the experts say

HiFi-Statement, 04/2018: a “very strong recommendation”
Summary: “… And now I am coming straight out with it: I almost fell off my chair hearing the first sounds: The music sounds so natural and realistic, with body and space and perfect timing, as I am only used to from my Platine Verdier but not from a digital device. The transparency of the presentation is equally impressive. What I am hearing here is absolutely first class.” … “Tonality, dynamics and spatial representation are first rate. At the same time, I am totally impressed with the way the sound breaks away from the speakers and just stands in my room.”
Verdict: “With its HD-Player Model 2, DAS has created a new device category: Server and DAC in one unit at the highest level of audio quality. As simple in operation as a CD player, but with all the convenience of a modern streamer.
You can find the full review here.

Stereoplay, 09/2018: Absolute Top Class & Stereoplay Highlight
Evaluation: “You cannot wish for more from a digital music player. DAS’ Model 2 enchants with its stunning design, extremely high user convenience and absolute reliability. Musically, it plays precisely and transparently and – unusual for a digital player – highly emotionally. If you have missed the soul in modern digital music playback, you definitely should audition DAS’ Model 2.”
You can read the full review here: Sonderdruck Stereoplay 09/2018 (in German).

HiFi EinsNull, 08/2019: Title Story
Quotes: “Whoever finds modern music servers lacking in character, will find a lot in the Model 2. The concept of the HD-Player perfectly marries classical and modern qualities. … With its technically highly sophisticated server, DAS successfully places the HD-Player at the center of a serious high end system. Combining its design with fantastic sound quality and excellent user handling, DAS sets a new trend, which will hopefully be picked up and followed by many others.”
You can find the complete review here (in German).